5th International
Young Scientists Conference
in HPC and Simulation

26 – 28 October, 2016,
Kraków, Poland


Department of Computer Science AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków, Poland), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (UvA) and Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University), Russian Federation announce 2016 International Young Scientists Conference for young researchers and professionals in HPC technologies and computer modeling to take place at the Department of Computer Science in the AGH University of Science and Technology area, Kraków, Poland.

The Conference aims to strengthen the ties between young scientists in different countries, thus promoting future collaboration in the framework of Computational Science and major application aspects of High Performance Computing, Computer Modeling and Simulation to tackle a wide range of issues in science, industry and business.

Simulation and systems thinking is one way to explain the complex world in which we live. By collecting data and creating computer models, scientists can make predictions on critical problems, such as how to influence the flow of traffic, how an epidemic will spread or the probability of individuals in society becoming addicted to drugs. The conference will cover the aspects related to HPC, BigData, large scale simulation of complex systems and offers an ideal range of topics for final year Master’s student or starting PhD students interested in this domain.


YSC 2016 invites original contributions on all topics related to High Performance Computing and Simulation, including, but not limited to:

  • Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems
  • Advanced Numerical Algorithms
  • Problem Solving Environments
  • Web and Grid-based Simulation and Computing
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Visualization and Virtual Reality as Applied to Computational Science
  • Medical and Biomedical Computational Science
  • DSS for City Science and Urban Sustainable Development



Please be ready for the following steps:


The manuscripts of up to 10 pages, written in English and formatted according to the EasyChair templates should contain statement and solutions (or research) of a specific problem within the limits of the conference subjects. All YSC 2016 participants are expected to present the results of their research reflected in the papers in the English language for 10-15 minutes followed by Q&A session and take active part in Group Projects’ competition. All accepted papers will be published in YSC 2016 special issue of Procedia Computer Science indexed by Scopus, ScienceDirect, Thomson Reuters Web of Science CPCI.

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission August, 15, 2016
  • Notification of acceptance September, 20, 2016
  • Camera-ready papers September, 26, 2016
  • Welcome Reception October, 26, 2016
  • Conference Sessions October, 26-28, 2016


Conference sessions will be held at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.

Building D-17, Department of Computer Science, Kawiory 21, Kraków, Poland


Participation in the conference is free of charge. The best papers will be published in open access peer-reviewed journal Procedia Computer Science

Coffee breaks and lunches are offered during the conference working days. At request the organizers of the Conference provide personal Visa Support letter.

Transportation (airfare), housing and other fees are at the expense of the participants.

Information support

eScience Research Institute ITMO University website

If you have any questions concerning the organization and participation in YSC 2016 please contact Anna Bilyatdinova by e-mail bilyatdinova@mail.ifmo.ru